
Friday, August 13, 2021

 Kia ora and welcome back to my blog. Over the week for reading we have been focused on happiness. We   are learning to be happy right in the moment and to be happy for what you have got. Here is a slide about   being happy with what you have got. What makes you happy?

Thanks for reading my work.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Unique Umbrella writing

Kia ora

We are back with some more writing for term 3. This term for writing we are writing a story about Umbrella.

Umbrella is a short clip on YouTube. Have you ever seen the clip umbrella?

Thanks for reading!

Here is the clip of the story Umbrella


Late one drizzly night, the gate way to Miss Elem’s home for children opened wide. The girl with the neon umbrella, anxiously entered the orphanage before finding a home for her umbrella. Not wanting to be seen. Boris quickly slipped his head around the corner  so that he was hidden from view. Standing out of the happiness the girl investigated the joyful scene as the children dug into the hidden treasures.  The girl smiled as she watched the little boy gallop around like the thoroughbred racing horses. Her smile slid off her face in seconds when she sore the umbrella stand all she sore was damp wet puddles. Her beloved umbrella had soaked into thin air